My original goal was to install Oracle 10g, and eclipse to emulate the Unix development environment on my MacBook Pro. So I started by downloading Oracle 10g from the Oracle site itself: Oracle Download Site There is a link on this page for 'Oracle Database 10g Release 1 ( for Mac OS X Server'. The essential tools for any Java developer, including a Java IDE, a CVS client, Git client, XML Editor, Mylyn, Maven integration and WindowBuilder. 8 Responses to “MacBook Developer Machine with Eclipse 3.1” Per Ejeklint Says: March 21st, 2006 at 11:13 am. I’ve been struggling with Eclipse 3.2M5 but couldn’t get it to work with the plugins I needed and had to revert to 3.1.2.

Installing G++ on a Mac

This section is intended to get you quickly started with C++ programming on your Mac. We'll be installing GCC 4.8.1 and GDB through a tool called Homebrew. If you want an additional guide on all of the following steps (except for installing GCC), the one by Moncef Belyamani is quite helpful. When you follow it, ignore anything about installing Ruby; that is, stop after setting up git.



Homebrew 'installs the stuff that you need that Apple don't'. It's like Ubuntu's apt-get, where one can install packages easily from repositories. Instead of having to download, configure, and install something yourself, all you need to do is run one command, and Homebrew will take care of the rest for you.


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Homebrew requires that you have either Xcode or the Xcode command line tools installed on your Mac. Xcode is a free integrated development environment similar to Eclipse designed by Apple and mainly intended for iOS development or targeting the clang compiler. In this class, we will focus on gcc.

Xcode is quite a big install, so if you do not want to install it, you can get away with just installing the Xcode command line tools. See a Stackoverflow discussion for instructions on how to install the command line tools regardless of whether you have Xcode installed.

Installing Homebrew

You need xcode command line tools to install Homebrew. It is very easy to install Homebrew. Open your terminal, and run the following command:

If this doesn't seem to do anything, try killing it (CTRL C) and running it again. Or checkout homebrew website.


Installing GCC

First of all, you should make sure that your Homebrew is up-to-date. Check to see if it is so with the following:

As mentioned before, installing packages with Homebrew is very easy. First, we will add the repository from which the GCC package is available, so that Homebrew knows where to find the package we want. The repository is at

We do this by using the brew-tap command. Keep your terminal open, and run the following command. (For more information on how brew-tap works, visit the Homebrew docs):

Next, we will actually install the GCC package. Run the following command:

It might take long time before the installation is complete. If you run into any issues, you can debug with:

When done, run the following:

The result should look like this:

USC Wireless Warning

Many people have had issues running the brew install commands while connected to USC Wireless. If you are having trouble, you can either try using a wired connection, a different wireless connection, or do the following:

  1. Download a homebrew cache
  2. Open Finder, press CMD (command) + SHIFT + G and type /Library/Caches/Homebrew
  3. Extract the contents of the .zip you downloaded inside of the folder you opened in the previous step. Do not extract any of the .tar.bz2 or .tar.gz inside of the .zip folder.This should look as follows:

  4. Run brew install gcc48 in the Terminal as instructed above.

Using G++

To compile with the newly installed G++ compiler, use g++-4.8.

(Advanced) Aliasing g++

If you prefer calling g++ directly, you can also create a bash alias, as follows:

Put these two lines at the end of the file ~/.bashrc, and run:source ~/.bashrc

For more information on bash alias, take a look at the GNU Docs.

Installing GDB

Here also we use Homebrew. The following instruction has been taken from GDB on OS X Mavericks and Xcode 5 guide. To install, run the following brew command.

Check if it's installed:

The result should be gdb version 7 or higher.

Codesigning gdb

gdb is not going to debug yet. You'll get an error message like 'please check gdb is codesigned'. You need to create a certificate and sign gdb. By doing so you're telling the operating system that gdb is authorized to attach to other processes for debugging purposes. The following instructions have been taken from this Code Signing guide.

  1. Open application 'Keychain Access' (/Applications/Utilities/Keychain
  2. In Keychain Access, select the 'login' keychain in the 'Keychains' list in the upper left hand corner of the window.

  3. Open the menu item in /Keychain Access/Certificate Assistant/Create a Certificate...

  4. Choose a name ('lldb_codesign' in the example, but you can use anything you want), set 'Identity Type' to 'Self Signed Root', and set 'Certificate Type' to 'Code Signing'. Click 'Create'.

  5. Click continue, continue and done.

  6. Click on the “My Certificates” category on the left side and double click on the new “lldb_codesign” certificate.

  7. Open the context menu for 'Trust' (click the triangle) and change the following:When using this certificate: Always Trust

  8. Now close this window, and enter your login password to confirm this change.

  9. Option-drag (this meaning holding the option key down and dragging) the new 'lldb_codesign' certificate from the login keychain to the System keychain in the Keychains pane of the main Keychain Access window to make a copy of this certificate in the System keychain. You'll have to authorize a few more times, set it to be 'Always trusted' when asked.

  10. Switch to the 'System' keychain and drag a copy of the 'lldb_codesign' you just made onto the Desktop.

  11. Switch to Terminal and then run the following command (copy paste it!): sudo security add-trust -d -r trustRoot -p basic -p codeSign -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ~/Desktop/lldb_codesign.cer

  12. Then right click on the 'lldb_codesign' certificate in the 'System' keychain (not 'Login') and select 'delete' to delete it from the 'System' keychain.

  13. Then reboot your system/computer.

  14. Finally you can sign gdb:codesign -s lldb_codesign /usr/local/bin/gdb

  15. If this command doesn't work...then panic! Just kidding, be sure that you have gdb installed and that gdb is actually installed in /usr/local/bin. You may want to try 'which gdb' in your Terminal to figure out where it is.

  16. Finally, remove the lldb_codesign.cer file that's sitting on your desktop, and gdb should be working at this point. :)

I was switching to a new client this month, so I decided to treat myself to a top-of-the-line 17' Apple MacBook Pro. I've seen a lot of co-workers at AOL walking around the building with the MBP and I was hit with Mac-envy.
After a few days...Although I still love the machine, my first week did not go smoothly.
My original goal was to install Oracle 10g, and eclipse to emulate the Unix development environment on my MacBook Pro. So I started by downloading Oracle 10g from the Oracle site itself:
Oracle Download Site
There is a link on this page for 'Oracle Database 10g Release 1 ( for Mac OS X Server'. If you have an Intel-based MacBook Pro like me (Core Duo 2), THIS WILL NOT WORK! I spent hours working through the pre-install documentation over and over again to find out where I was doing wrong.... It turns out that Oracle 10g (as of v10.1.0.3 which was the latest version for OS X on Mac as of July 2007), does not work on Intel-based Macs!
So since I can't run 10g on Mac OS X natively -- I thought I'd use Apple's Boot Camp to run 10g under XP or Vista.
And knowing that the Core Duo 2 chips are 64-bit chips - I purchased a copy of Vista 64-bit Home Premium. That was the start of my second mistake.
Apple Boot Camp
Although Windows Vista 64-bit Home Premium was booting on my MacBook Pro, I had no networking support, no sound, and no ATI exhanced graphics support. After struggling with Boot Camp for another few hours, I discovered, that Boot Camp v1.3 (the latest as of July 2007) does not work with 64-bit Windows operating systems! Well, it actually does, but you won't have audio drivers, network drivers, camera, extended keyboard, or extended USB support.
After more research, I stumbled upon this link which describes how to install a Red-Hat clone using Parallels in Mac OS X in order to run Oracle 10g.
Install Oracle 10g on an Intel Mac
If I found this link first, I might have been willing to try it. But at this point, I was exhausted. So I took the easy route.
Eclipse Download For Macbook ProThis is the solution I eventually settled upon:

  1. Install Apple Boot Camp (free). Be sure to the read the Boot Camp documentation, you will need a blank CD-R and a real installation disk of some variant of a 32-bit Windows operating system (XP, or Vista).

  2. Partition your drive via Boot Camp. I chose NTFS for my file-system.

  3. Install Windows XP via Boot Camp

  4. After the full XP installation is completed, you will need to run the Boot Camp CD that was burned by Boot Camp while in the fresh-Windows installation in order to install Windows drivers for all the MacBook Pro devices.

This all worked perfectly -- and now I could dual-boot my MacBook Pro and have a true Windows environment or true OS X environment.
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  • Hold the 'Option' key to choose which partition you want to use while booting.

  • Press the TrackPad while booting to eject the CD

Next I installed 'Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( for Microsoft Windows' from the Oracle download page.
Oracle download page
Important Note! If you do not have a fixed IP address, you will need to install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter and choose a fixed IP address. Do this BEFORE installing Oracle, or else you will most likely have to remove and re-install Oracle.
KnowledgeBase article about installing the Microsoft Loopback Adapter

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Now Oracle 10g should install without a problem.

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Then, I decided to push my luck, and try out Parallels. Parallels gives me a virtual Windows machine within a running Mac OS X environment. There is a 15-day free trial available.
Parallels Desktop for Mac
Parallels installed flawlessly, and identified my BootCamp parition and created its own variant of the BootCamp launch configuration.
Once completed - Windows XP was running within a window on my Mac OS X desktop!

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One last piece was missing though, the Mac could not communicate to Oracle within Parallels Desktop. By default, XP Home installs a Windows Firewall. What Parallels does is create two separate virtual machines running on the same MacBook Pro. So although they are on the same desktop and same machine, they cannot talk to each other because Windows has its own Firewall.

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Visit the Windows Control Panel / Firewall Settings, and add Oracle-friendly-ports such as 1158, 1521, and 5560.

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Now - within a single desktop environment - I can build applications in Java on OS X while accessing Oracle 10g on Windows.